We strongly recommend all foreigners and expats living in Moscow and Russia for any car service cases address to official dealers (list of official dealers in Moscow you can find here). They will redirect to official and most qualified service stations.
Any way here you can find list of some other proven automobile services in Moscow. Rating list by Rus-a team in accordance with our personal experience and different actual data ratings.
Auto Start
Web: www.bmwin.ru
Berlin Service
Web: www.berlinservice.ru
Web: www.nickrasoff.ru
Porsche ASC
For Porsche cars.
Web: www.porsche-asc.ru
Professional Auto Service
Yausa Motors
Web: www.yauzamotors.ru
Will Good
Web: www.wilgood.ru
13 Custom
Web: www.13custom.ru
A Style
Web: www.astyle-cd.ru
Cox Tuning
Web: www.coxtuning.com
Web: www.g-tuning.ru
Sport Car Tuning
Vintage Auto
Web: www.vintageauto.ru
VS Tunning
Web: www.vc-tuning.ru
Where to Repair and Maintain Car in Moscow