Where to buy pets in Moscow and animal feeds. Veterinary clinics, zoo shops, special locations and more.
You can buy animals here
Arbat Zoo
Web: www. arbatzoo.ru
Web: www.murmulet.ru
Web: www.zooservis.ru (available in English)
If you look for exotic animals and creatures in Moscow check one of these websites:
Zoo shops with food and accessories for animals
Bethoween pet shop
Web: www.bethowen.ru/map
Lubimchik pet shop
Web: www.lubimchik.ru
Veterinary Clinics
Bio Control
Web: www.biocontrol.ru (available in English)
Web: www.movet.ru
Vet Center
Web: www.vetcentr.ru
Vet Plus
Zoo Status
Web: www.zoostatus.ru
If you want to train your dog you can visit of this this websites
To book exotic and wild animals for your events (tigers, pumas, porcupines etc.) visit www.hishnik.ru
Home Aninmals in Moscow