Where to buy pets in Moscow and animal feeds. Veterinary clinics, zoo shops, special locations and more.
You can buy animals here
Arbat Zoo
Web: www. arbatzoo.ru
Web: www.murmulet.ru
Web: www.zooservis.ru (available in English)
If you look for exotic animals and creatures in Moscow check one of these websites:
Zoo shops with food and accessories for animals
Bethoween pet shop
Web: www.bethowen.ru/map
Lubimchik pet shop
Web: www.lubimchik.ru
Veterinary Clinics
Bio Control
Web: www.biocontrol.ru (available in English)
Web: www.movet.ru
Vet Center
Web: www.vetcentr.ru
Vet Plus
Zoo Status
Web: www.zoostatus.ru
If you want to train your dog you can visit of this this websites
To book exotic and wild animals for your events (tigers, pumas, porcupines etc.) visit www.hishnik.ru